Sts'ailes Fisheries

Hello Everyone,

I just talked to Sheldon E. from DFO and we will start on Wednesday, September 18th .

We will fish for 2 days for sure; Sept 18 & 19th.

Our (Sts’ailes & Scowlitz) allocation is 49,200 pink.

There may be one or 2 days more for us depending on the allocation transfer. I asked for 4 days, but only got 2 for sure. We are having a meeting on Thursday at 11am with DFO and Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance(UFFCA) about the allocation transfer.

UFFCA’s allocation is 122,900 pinks. UFFCA offered us 117,900 pink. They are keeping 5,000 pink for themselves.

After the allocation transfer meeting we will know if we are fishing more than 2 days and when we will fish them.

Kim Charlie