Chum Food Fishing

CHUM FOOD FISHING: October 28, 2010


Species:               Chum salmon

Area:                     Port Mann Bridge to Hope Bridge (Sub areas 3 to 8) in Fraser River

Dates and Times

Set Nets

  1. 6 pm, Friday, October 29, 2010 to 6 pm, Saturday, October 30, 2010.


Drift Nets

  1. 8 am to 4 pm Saturday, October 30, 2010

Net Requirements:

Drift Nets should not exceed a maximum length of 300 feet (50 fathoms) and a maximum depth of 60 meshes with a minimum mesh size of 6 ¼  inches.

Set Nets should not exceed a maximum length of 100 feet (16.6 fathoms) and a maximum depth of 60 meshes with a minimum mesh size of 6 ¼ inches.